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联系人:魏经理 先生 (总经理)
电 话:0531-58829735
手 机:18866826111





The efficiency and safety of logistics and transportation is the most important part of logistics management. How to effectively track and manage containers is one of the most important concerns for consignment and transportation.


According to the AMR Research Institute's survey, most logistics companies can't grasp 10%~15%'s container transportation in real time. Without knowing where they are, this lack of information visibility will inevitably bring risks to safe transportation.


Governments in various countries place the safety of international trade in the first place. Therefore, the real-time management of inventory can effectively avoid the risk of transportation errors or theft of goods. In the past 5 years, the logistics industry and some freight companies have deployed RFID tags to strengthen daily work supervision and precise management of supply chain. Besides tracking goods, they can also track trucks carrying goods.


This relatively automatic management, has brought more convenient way for the logistics company in international trade declaration process, but the traditional RFID technology is no longer adapt to the current needs, it is a new type of passive RFID technology compatible with the industry standard, low cost and high efficiency, it will bring more new management to keep pace with the times for the logistics tracking.


魏经理 先生 (总经理)  
电  话: 0531-58829735
传  真: 0531-58829735
移动电话: 18866826111
公司地址: 中国山东济南市济南市天桥区泉胜物流C区33号
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公司主页: http://jnyanan.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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魏经理 先生 (总经理) 电话:0531-58829735 传真:0531-58829735
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